Before I get to the nub of this post, Pride Jewellery, I want to tell you a little about the main event here in Vancouver this weekend. It’s hot and sunny in Vancouver as I write, isn’t it always like that around Pride (in the name of love) week?

Vancouver’s Pride Parade is the 5th largest in the world, and is accessible and inclusive of every ethnicity and demographic. With so much fun and energy, is it any wonder that the event attracts crowds of more than 650,000? Vancouver’s Pride Parade is renowned on the international stage as one of the largest and most successful LGBTQ2+ events in the world.

While many retailers think that putting a rainbow sticker on their door is a warm welcome to the LGBT community, I do my best to create a truly inclusive shopping experience for all of my clients and I design and create jewellery for couples: his and his, hers and hers and his and hers!

My door is open and everyone is very welcome. Come on now, who’s going to step up and have their story told?

With my apologies to an Irish rock band for stealing their song’s title…